An experience for the Senses

Remember the best moments of the Juniper Gala Dinner where we celebrated the 20th anniversary at Juniper.

An evening to feel, remember, and look forward to the future.

On October 27th of 2023 we held one of the most special dinners to commemorate 20th anniversary at Juniper.
In it, we were able to taste, feel, listen, smell and contemplate every moment. And all this, in the magical setting of the prestigious Son Amar estate, reserved exclusively for Juniperians and some relevant Clients in the history of Juniper.

Event itinerary

20 anniversary at Juniper

The big night started from the moment we Juniperians got on the transfers that took us to Son Amar.

Together, we enjoyed a journey full of excitement and nerves, betting on what surprises the night would bring.

The illumination of Son Amar, along with its majestic entrance, made us enter into a festive and celebratory atmosphere with a great photocall.

After the photographs, the Fountain Show began, in which we were able to visualize an unforgettable light and music show.

20 anniversary at Juniper
20 anniversary at Juniper

The Gala Dinner began with a presentation by Juan Mateos -General Manager of Juniper-, who gave way to Jaime Sastre -CEO at Juniper Group-.

Together, they gave way to an exciting video that summarized the history of Juniper over the last 20 years.

After tasting the delicious dishes that were part of the dinner and the performances, the Juniperian Awards for Innovative Ideas, the Juniperian Awards, were awarded with 3 checks of 900 €, 500 € and 275 € per person.

Finally, the Juniperian Awards, awarded by internal voting in various categories.

20 anniversary at Juniper
20 anniversary at Juniper

Jaime Sastre‘s final speech ended giving way to the most festive part of the night. A DJ and a singer started the music and dancing that, together with the open bar, kept the festive atmosphere throughout the night.

At the end of the party, we picked up our 5 senses box, with which we currently remember this night through sight, sound, smell, taste and touch.

We were then picked up by a transfer that took us to the previous collection points.

20 anniversary at Juniper

Asistentes al evento​

Juan Mateos Francisco Exposito Sílvia Moià Daniel Jurado Joan Capo Daniel Fernandez Ravindra Bayajirao Potdar David Llompart Laura Sanchez Joan Ramis Cristhian Rave Javier Perez Sebastian Lucht Yolanda Ramos Marc Mas Juan Urquiza Carlotta Garcia Miguel Torres Raquel Craviotto Audrey Delsaux José Bausá García Angel Cuadros Antonia Galmes Cristina Bisquerra Pau Rosado Jaume Ribalaiga Angelica Escobar Joana Maria Bauzà Solivellas Javier Garcias Yuli Cobo Veronica Company Llorenç Borras Berta Valls Maria Moragues Adrián Blas Moreno Joseph Boadella Ismael Martín Toni Comas Lopez Pedro Amat Marta Mendoza Miquel Àngel Maiol Tomàs Lluis Beltran Xavier Amengual Pilar Pozo Marta Fernandez Francisco Meri Zouhair Barraki Abezik Mayra Gamietea Daniel Cantero Jose Miguel Ballester Nando Perello Jaime Sastre Jose Diaz Domenec Garcia Jaume Borras Alejandro Chiesa Jeroni Navarrete Lydia Martinez Mohamed Saddik Gabriel Riutort Horrach Miquel Gaya David Campins Miguel Angel Hinojosa Bozhena Todorova Joyce B. Kasala Julio Jose Gonzalez Mariana Manigold Maria del Mar Mayol José Javier Benito Martinez Javier Gonzalez Luis Campos Javier Parrado Joan Bonet Antoni Gomila Javier Pozo David Parrado Xavier Garcia Olivia Feliu Alejandro DeLaIglesia Juana Ramírez Patricia Piris Toni Salom Victoria González Marta Gomez Marc Brauer Abraham Torrente Ruiz Julian Quetglas Cecilia Gonzalez Toni Rotger Vanesa Espinosa Mari Carmen Gonzalez Javier Benito Martorell Erika Lunn Erika Arce Marin Carolina Duarte David Sastre Julieta Camilión Carlos Suarez Ray Alabern Oliver Sirvent Enrique Clavijo Eduardo Baro Ines Torondel Estrems Joan Castell Jesus Alonso Daniel Juan Cañellas Syrett Sylvie Lafite Maria Pou Sebastián Roca Gonzalo Mateos Mario Pineda Priscila Lavariega Joana Caceres Jose Conejero Pep Aguilar Marcelo Camacho Marta Milczarek Nuria Llull Elena Palmer Elena Lobo Ana Castillo Alvaro Ramos Camilo Pereira Juan Navarra Shilan Bayazidi Sandra Sanchez David Caballero Sandra Sanchez Cabrera John Edinson Montenegro Bravo Carlos Oton Filip Bojanovic Safae Lachhab Daniel Suau Arturo Carrillo Coba Felipe Rebolledo Elena Vega Marcel Denis Requena Fernando Ferrer Xavier Bosch Marta Miranda Arelys Concepción Lianne Ezcurra Alejandro Ruiz Nieves Del Olmo Alejandro Rodriguez Erick Moreno Raul Niño Salas Eduard Feijóo Pons Joan Nicolau Jose Caballero Francisco Moreno Garcia Lileana Guerra Xisco Ibáñez Patricia Riera Quetglas Manon Keuren Natalia Vaquer Manel Ferrer Christian Llabres Cassie Franks Alberto Dominguez Daniel Brunod Alfonso Pérez Silas Yaw Asamoah Denny Barreiro Toni Reina Artigues Gary Orellana Marcus Sarno Isaac Alejandro Torres Jiménez Takeshi Ferrer Juan Carlos Yebra Rafael Tomás Adrian Tur Joaquin Fernandez Alberto Morata Alberto Martin Isabel Lopez Juanjo Pol Alvaro Takano Oscar Sitges Muñoz Francisco Javier Cabrera Gonzalez Carlo Ghizzardi Kathleen Barrera Vazquez Maria Ángeles Denti Vila Neus Payeras Gabriel J Thomas Moya Toni Font Karen Castellanos Tomeu Sancho Martín Olmos Xisca Obrador Toni Manera Feliu Joan Perello Jordi Roig Adrover Vandor Bajko Estela Garcia Adriana Sans Luis Coronado Damian Donate Diego Rivera Riera Catalina Torrens Vidal Marga Mateu Sebastia Oliver Michelle Whenman Tiana Mulet

Gala Dinner best moments

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